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Australian Skilled Visas


Skilled Visas

To be eligible for the Australian Skilled visa, your occupation must be on the list of occupation in demand in Australia and you must be able to score 60 points which will be granted for their level of education, duration of work experience, fluency in English and age.

Please be aware that the States/Territories could sponsor you in case your occupation is in local demand and this sponsorship gives you additional points.

The immigration process for the Skilled Visas consists of several steps:

Your qualification should be assessed by the relevant authority to confirm that your level of knowledge and skills is comparable to the level for the same occupation in Australia.

The results of English Test (IELTS or OET) should be acquired. Please, refer to our English tests section for the more detailed information.

You should lodge an Expression of Interest in obtaining an Australian visa (EOI). Currently EOI is a mandatory part of the visa application process however it cannot guarantee that the visa will be granted.

In case you need the State/Territory’s Sponsorship, you should apply for it.

When you meet all the requirements you will receive an invitation to apply for a visa from the Department of Immigration.

Employment Visas

To be eligible to apply for this type of visas you should be nominated by an approved employer and your qualification, skills and experience as well as your level of English language ability and age should meet the prescribed requirement.

Currently there are several visas available;
SC 457 Long Stay Work Visa allows you to stay in Australia temporary up to 4 years;
SC 186 Employer Nomination or 187 Regional Skilled Migration visas give you a permanent residency.

All the three visas have several streams that were designed to suit the applicants’ different abilities and needs.

SC 457 visa could be considered as a sound pathway to your permanent residence either through further sponsorship by eligible employer or as an independent Skilled migrant.

We are happy to see you at our initial consultation to discuss your case in detail and assist you with the best solution possible.



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